Lord of the Flies – Read It and Rate It

Lord of the Flies
by William Golding

Review #1
* * * * Stars (Great!)
A bunch of boys get stranded on an island. They start turning on one another, losing their sense of civilization and becoming savage.

Review #2
* Star (A waste of time!)
A group of boys get stuck on an island and have to try to survive and maintain what keeps them away from savagery. I didn’t like this book because there was way too much details.

Review #3
* * Stars (Just ok)
A group of British boys get stranded on a strange island. They attempt to create a civilization away from any civilization. How will it work out? Whose life will be on the line? The book has a good plot, but can be hard to read at some parts. Overall, it was an okay book, but I would not read it again.

Review #4
* * * * * Stars (Amazing!)
The overall plot of the novel is how a group of boys from the same school get stranded on an island and how they survive. Certain people and their personalities dominate the group, causing choices to be made and separate groups formed. Arguments are presented and some even end in death. In just a short amount of time, a group of young boys turns into a ruthless band of killers. I enjoyed the novel due to the realistic characters and the suspenseful ending. 

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