FitzOsbornes in Exile – book review

The FitzOsbornes in Exile
Sequel to A Brief History of Montmaray
by Michelle Cooper
Historical Fiction
* * * * Stars (Great!)

In Sophia FitzOsborne’s last journal entry in A Brief History of Montmaray, she described the traumatic exodus she and her family made as the Germans bombed their island kingdom of Montmaray.  Forced to take refuge in Great Britain with their Aunt Charlotte, the FitzOsbornes are having some difficulty adjusting to High Society.  Also, Aunt Charlotte’s priorities are somewhat different.  She wants to marry them off and marry them well (Toby, who is to be king, but has no interest in the ladies, Veronica, whose fiery temper, intelligence, and political views make her intolerable in the drawing rooms of polite society, and Sophia who hasn’t attracted any attention of the right sort).  The FitzOsbornes are instead determined to win back their home, but all of their efforts thus far have met with failure.  They are staking their hopes on a hearing before the United Nations – can they convince them to take up the Montmaray cause?

Despite their ties to Society, the FitzOsbornes manage to lead rather exciting lives – whether they are secretly meeting with Socialists, harboring Spanish refugees, or avoiding crazy assassins, some new crisis is always cropping up.  Michelle Cooper brings this period of history (just before the outbreak of WWII) to life in a way that will make you want to know more about the actual historical events as well as the lives of her wonderful characters.  Although it’s not strictly necessary to have read the first book, the background material is interesting as are the FitzOsbornes’ experiences in Montmaray.  The FitzOsbornes in Exile is even better!  Looking forward to their continuing adventures.

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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