Vegan Virgin Valentine – book review

Vegan Virgin Valentine
by Carolyn Mackler
Realistic Fiction
* * * * Stars (Great!)

Mara Valentine is a model student and daughter and has her whole future mapped out for her when her “niece” V comes to live with her. V is almost the same age, and is wilder, freer, and more spontaneous than Mara could ever hope to be. And she’ll be attending the same high school. And Mara’s parents want Mara to help V adjust. Mara and V clash repeatedly, but eventually begin to understand one another and see something other than “perfectionist” and “loser” when they look into each other’s eyes. Having a stable home and structure and people who care about her and encourage her really brings out another side of V. Having V around and falling in love and slowing down the breakneck pace of her life really helps Mara start to identify what she wants. Their discovery of their true passions and the connection that forms between Mara and V is empowering and uplifting. Smart, fun, emotional, and funny – realistic fiction at its best.

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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