Regular Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2013

Huntley Area Public Library District
Board of Trustees Minutes for Regular Meeting
June 12, 2013

The Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District met at the library on June 12, 2013.  President Jan Schadt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Also present were Mitch Baker, Ann Christiansen, Judith Klein, Patrick McDonald, Director, and Loralei Getty, Business Manager.  Rusty Ayers entered the meeting at 7:03 p.m.  Kathleen Pilat entered the meeting at 7:09 p.m.  Leslie Threadgill-Smith was absent.
Visitors:  Beverly Cannalte, Board Member-Elect.  Virginia Maravilla, Board Member-Elect.  Sergio Ramos, staff member.  Douglas Cataldo, staff member
Public Comment:  No public comment.
Motion to Accept Canvass of Votes from the April 9, 2013 Consolidated Election:  Christiansen motioned, Klein seconded to approve the Canvass of Votes as submitted by Kane and McHenry Counties.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Klein-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Administration of the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Members of the Board of Library Trustees:  Schadt administered the Oath of Office for Beverly Cannalte and Virginia Maravilla.
Ayers entered at 7:03 p.m.
Presentation to Judy Klein and Leslie Threadgill-Smith in honor of their service to the Library District as members of the Board of Library Trustees:  Schadt presented Judy Klein with a plaque in honor of her service to the Library District as a member of the Board of Library Trustees.
Klein left at 7:04 p.m.
Secretary’s Report:  The board reviewed the June 2, 2013 Policy and Finance Committee Meeting Report.
Pilat entered the meeting at 7:09 p.m.
Administration of the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Members of the Board of Library Trustees:  Schadt administered the Oath of Office for Kathleen Pilat.
Christiansen motioned, Ayers seconded to approve the May 15, 2013 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Financial Reports and Checks:  Ayers motioned, Christiansen seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report and checks as submitted for May.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion):  No discussion.
Librarian’s Report:  Presented by McDonald.
Personnel:  No additional oral comments.
Facilities/Operations:  Summer Reading Programs are in full swing at the library.  The contract has been signed with Johnson Floor Co. to replace a major portion of the library’s carpeting.  The project is funded in part through a State of Illinois Live & Learn Grant.  The project is scheduled to take place from August 12th – August 22nd.  Staff is investigating, with the fire department, if it is possible for the Children’s area to remain open to the public during the construction.  The library tested a model of an inexpensive tablet computer for use in connection with electronic distribution of Board Meeting Packets.  The tablet was returned because the refurbished model was not functioning properly.  The library is looking for another model.  Dead library grounds shrubbery has been removed, and in some cases replaced in the last month.  Nicsar Painters Contractors Inc. will soon resume painting and complete the painting of the exterior of the library building.

Community/Fundraising:   Residents from the free trial library service as enacted by the board are signing up for library cards and the trial is going well.

Circulation/Program Usage:  No additional oral comments.

RAILS Library System Report:  The Secretary of State and the Illinois State Library have awarded a grant in the amount of $985,219 to facilitate greater access to eBooks in the State of Illinois.  The vendor for the RAILS Library System will be Baker & Taylor.  The criteria for participation are such that the library qualifies to take part.
Committee Reports:
Board Policy:  The Board Policy Committee had a joint meeting with the Finance Committee on June 5th.
Finance:  The Finance Committee had a joint meeting with the Board Policy Committee on June 5th.
Friends’ Liaison:  Reported by Schadt.  The June Book Sale raised $738.50.  The Friends Foundation Board welcomed a new member, Marge Smith.  The Friends Foundation will vote on a library donation request to fund FY 2013-14 library programming at the meeting on June 21st.
Resolution 2013-4 – Bylaws for the Board of Library Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District Board:  Pilat motioned, Ayers seconded to approve Resolution 2013-4 as presented.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Trustee Officer’s Term Limits:  Baker motioned, Pilat seconded to approve suspending the current term limits for Board Officers.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Election of Board of Trustee Officers and Appointment of Committee Members:  The ballots to elect Library Board Officers for the upcoming year resulted in the following slate of officers: Schadt-President, Christiansen-Vice President, Baker-Treasurer, Pilat-Secretary.  Schadt presented the following Committee Appointments:
Board Policy                 Cannalte/Christiansen/Schadt/Judy Klein
Finance                         Baker/Maravilla/Schadt
Friends’ Liaison             Schadt
Ordinance 2013-1: Prevailing Wage Ordinance:  Ayers motioned, Christiansen seconded to approve Ordinance 2013-1 as amended.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Ordinance 2013-2: Authorizing Public Library Non-Resident Library Cards:  Maravilla motioned, Christiansen seconded to approve Ordinance 2013-2 as presented.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Resolution 2013-6: Authorizing Officers on Library Bank Accounts:  Baker motioned, Ayers seconded to approve Resolution 2013-6 as presented.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Renewal of Library Insurance:  Baker motioned, Christiansen seconded to give McDonald authority to renew the presented library insurance upon receiving the two outstanding quotes from the R-H Insurance Group.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Gazebo Repair:  Discussion of this item will take place at a future Board Meeting.
Storm Window Installation:  Ayers motioned, Baker seconded to approve Window Energy Products Inc. installation of 18 interior magnetic storm windows in the amount of $5,393.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Cataldo and Ramos left at 8:10 p.m.
Job Classifications and Salary Ranges 2013-2014:  Baker motioned, Christiansen seconded to approve the Job Classifications and Salary Ranges 2013-2014 as presented.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Introduction (to Policy Manual):  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Reasonable Accommodations:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Compassionate Leave:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Personal Information Protection Policy:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Attachment “A”:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Attachment “B”:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Attachment “C”:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Huntley Area Public Library District Family Military Leave Employee Verification:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Huntley Area Public Library District Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) Leave of Absence Form:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Draft of Library Strategic Plan for 2013-2016:  Maravilla motioned, Ayers seconded to approve the Library Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 as presented.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Draft of Library Long Range Plan for 2013-2016:  Maravilla motioned, Ayers seconded to approve the Library Long Range Plan for 2013-2016 as presented.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Aye, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Draft of Working Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014:  $61,272.51 will be transferred from Operating to the Building Fund to replace funds spent or scheduled to be spent out of the Building Fund for the roof/dormer repairs during fiscal year 2012-2013 and the carpet project scheduled for August 12 – 22,
Regular Board Meeting
June 12, 2013
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2013.  Baker motioned, Ayers seconded to approve the Working Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 as presented.  Roll call votes were:  Ayers-Aye, Baker-Aye, Cannalte-Aye, Christiansen-Aye, Maravilla-Nay, Pilat-Aye, and Schadt-Aye.  Six Ayes.  One Nay.  Motion approved.
The Board recessed at 9:12 p.m. and reconvened at 9:21 p.m.
Appointment Policy:  A vote on this policy was postponed.
Benefits Policy:  A vote on this policy was postponed.
Patron-Generated Online Content Policy:  Ayers motioned, Christiansen seconded to approve the Patron-Generated Online Content policy as presented.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Social Media Use Policy:  Christiansen motioned, Maravilla seconded to approve the Social Media Use policy as presented.  Five Ayes.  No Nays.  Two Abstains.  Motion approved.
Telecommuting Policy:  Ayers motioned, Baker seconded to approve the Telecommuting policy as presented.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Personal Presentation of Employees Policy:  The Board reviewed the proposed updates to this policy in advance of a potential future vote.
Check-out Area Renovation:  McDonald presented the updated Check-out Area Renovation plan to the Board.
Executive Session:  No executive session.
Items from Executive Session for Action:  None.
Board Discussion:  No discussion.
Adjourn:  Pilat motioned, Ayers seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:43 p.m.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathleen Pilat, Secretary

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EARLY CLOSURE: The library will be closing early Friday, October 4th, for staff training. The library hours for this day will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All online resources and our exterior book drop will be available during this time. The library will resume regular operations on Saturday, October 5th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.