Max & the Midnights #2 – Read It and Rate It

Max & the Midnights: Battle of the Bodkins
Max & the Midnights #2
by Lincoln Peirce
Illustrated Fiction
Juvenile Fiction
* * * * Stars (Great!)

Max and her friends are back in this second Midknights book. They’ve all started down the paths to their future careers – Max is in knight school, Millie is learning magic, Kevyn is starting a Library, and Simon has discovered he has a gift with horses. They’re going to have to use their talents again to save Byjovia, because they’re about to be attacked by doppelgangers from another dimension (otherwise known as Bodkins). Each Bodkin is the evil twin of someone in Byjovia, and they are determined to take back what they think should be theirs. The Midknights have to use their powers of perception to sniff out the Bodkins and protect their kingdom. Another fun and exciting installment in the Midknights series – fans will be delighted.

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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