To Night Owl from Dogfish – book review

To Night Owl from Dogfish
by Holly Goldberg Sloan & Meg Wolitzer
Realistic Fiction
* * * * Stars (Great)

Bett Devlin and Avery Bloom first “meet” when Bett discovers that their dads are secretly dating, secretly sending them to a fancy schmancy summer camp, and secretly planning to explore China by motorcycle.  The girls are outraged.  They like things fine just the way they are.  As they continue to exchange messages, however, their attitudes about being friendly (maybe even friends) start to change.  Soon they’re excited about spending time together – especially after they get kicked out of camp and have to spend the rest of the summer with Avery’s birth mother (a famous playwright) and Bett’s grandmother (Gaga) while they stage her newest production.  The dads’ dream vacation quickly turns into a nightmare when they lose their luggage and passports, and the stress puts out the eager flames of their relationship.  By the time they’re back in the country, they want nothing more to do with each other.  The girls are so disappointed when their dads break up, and they immediately start scheming to get them back together again.  Think Parent Trap, but with two dads.  This is a fun summer romp with a bit of romance and a lot of love for blended families.

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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