How to Scratch a Wombat – book review

How to Scratch a Wombat by Jackie French Juvenile Nonfiction (Grades 4-6) * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Jackie French has been living among wombats in the near-wilds of Australia for over 30 years. She’s made friends with her neighborhood wombats and has cared for orphaned and injured wombats. Wombats are curious creatures, marsupials, which like to dig. They experience the world primarily through their large nostrils and have a highly evolved sense of … Read more

Cheaper by the Dozen – Read It and Rate It

Cheaper by the Dozen by Frank and Ernestine Gilbreth Biography Funny Nonfiction Review #1 * * * Stars This book was pretty funny. They have 12 kids so it is hard to keep track of who they are talking about. I would recommend this book to people who haven’t seen the movie. Because if you have seen the movie, I heard it isn’t too much like the book, so I would read the book first.