Book of Truly Stupid Sports Quotes – Read It and Rate It

The Book of Truly Stupid Sports Quotes by Jeff Parietti Funny Nonfiction Sports Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) This book will have people’s sides hurting after reading some of the quotes in this book. From truly stupid moments, to food, to money, this book hits all of the bases in comedic quotes. One of my personal favorites is, “They didn’t outplay us”, after Darryl Major lost 73-0 to Texas A&M. I just … Read more

Sprawlball – Read It and Rate It

Sprawlball: A Visual Tour of the New Era of the NBA by Kirk Goldsberry Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Sprawlball will change the way readers watch basketball. A lean on statistics more recently in more recent years has been confusing. However, this book perfectly explains exactly how basketball has changed. The stretch four and spacing is well described and not only told to readers, but is shown to the readers. … Read more

Dog Who Could Fly – Read It and Rate It

The Dog Who Could Fly: The Incredible True Story of a WWII Airman and the Four-Legged Hero Who Flew at His Side by Damien Lewis Adventure Nonfiction Review #1 * * * * * (Amazing!) In the winter of 1939-40, a French pilot and his Czech gunner are shot down over the German front lines while trying to gather photos for reconnaissance. Robert needs to find shelter, and fast: Pierre’s leg is bleeding and he … Read more

Kid’s Guide to the Chinese Zodiac – book review

A Kid’s Guide to the Chinese Zodiac written by Aaron Hwang, illustrated by Qu Lan Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) The Chinese Zodiac is much more complicated than I’d thought. Previously, I’d only ever looked up my “animal” using my birth year, and since I’m born in January, before the Chinese calendar/New Year officially starts, it’s actually a different animal than I’d thought. In addition, predictions and horoscopes can be plotted out depending … Read more

Complications – book review

Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science By Atul Gawande Nonfiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) In 2006 when he published this, Atul Gawande was a general surgeon at the Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston as well as an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School (in addition to being a writer for The New Yorker). Here, he collects some patient/doctor stories that give insight into the training of doctors (surgeons in … Read more

Refugee High – book review

Refugee High: Coming of Age in America by Elly Fishman Nonfiction * * * Stars (Pretty good) A reporter spends a year (2017-2018) following the lives of students at the Roger C. Sullivan High School. The students are all refugees whose families have fled bad situations in their homelands. They all come from different nations and cultures, and they speak different languages, but they share a common experience of being in a foreign place where … Read more

Whole Heart Whole Horse – book review

Whole Heart, Whole Horse: Building Trust Between Horse and Rider by Mark Rashid Nonfiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Mark Rashid is world renowned horse trainer who is gifted in understanding the “horse’s point of view.” Whole Heart, Whole Horse collects some of his anecdotes about the horses and humans who have passed through his life, as well as some of his early experiences with “the old man,” whom he credits with teaching … Read more

How to Love – book review

How to Love: A Guide to Feelings & Relationships for Everyone by Alex Norris Graphic Nonfiction Nonfiction Self-help * * * * Stars (Great!) If you’re not sure how to relationship (or if you even want to), this book is a good place to start your inquiries. It busts a lot of pre-conceptions/myths/expectations folks hold about relationships and gives readers space to think about how they feel about things and what matters to them. The … Read more

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy – book review

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy by Emmanuel Acho Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Emmanuel Acho is a former professional football player (now sports analyst) and author who created a series of videos called “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man,” where he tries to answer questions about race and racism and the black experience. This is the young readers edition of the book published for adults and it poses a series of questions … Read more

Mexikid – book review

Mexikid by Pedro Martín Autobiography Biography Graphic Novel Nonfiction * * * Stars (Pretty good) Peter/Pedro Martin is a Mexican-American and one of 9 kids (he’s the 7th-born in his family). This memoir is about how his folks decide to bring the whole family to Mexico so they can bring Abuelito (Pedro’s grandfather) back to live with them. He’s been alone since his wife passed away and Pedro’s parents have been trying to get him … Read more