Book of Truly Stupid Sports Quotes – Read It and Rate It

The Book of Truly Stupid Sports Quotes by Jeff Parietti Funny Nonfiction Sports Review #1 * * * Stars (Pretty good) This book will have people’s sides hurting after reading some of the quotes in this book. From truly stupid moments, to food, to money, this book hits all of the bases in comedic quotes. One of my personal favorites is, “They didn’t outplay us”, after Darryl Major lost 73-0 to Texas A&M. I just … Read more

Kid’s Guide to the Chinese Zodiac – book review

A Kid’s Guide to the Chinese Zodiac written by Aaron Hwang, illustrated by Qu Lan Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) The Chinese Zodiac is much more complicated than I’d thought. Previously, I’d only ever looked up my “animal” using my birth year, and since I’m born in January, before the Chinese calendar/New Year officially starts, it’s actually a different animal than I’d thought. In addition, predictions and horoscopes can be plotted out depending … Read more

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy – book review

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy by Emmanuel Acho Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Emmanuel Acho is a former professional football player (now sports analyst) and author who created a series of videos called “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man,” where he tries to answer questions about race and racism and the black experience. This is the young readers edition of the book published for adults and it poses a series of questions … Read more

Mexikid – book review

Mexikid by Pedro Martín Autobiography Biography Graphic Novel Nonfiction * * * Stars (Pretty good) Peter/Pedro Martin is a Mexican-American and one of 9 kids (he’s the 7th-born in his family). This memoir is about how his folks decide to bring the whole family to Mexico so they can bring Abuelito (Pedro’s grandfather) back to live with them. He’s been alone since his wife passed away and Pedro’s parents have been trying to get him … Read more

Nature’s Best Hope – book review

Nature’s Best Hope: How You Can Save the World in Your Own Yard by Douglas W. Tallamy, adapted by Sarah L. Thomson Nature Nonfiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Douglas Tallamy presents some compelling evidence that the world is struggling because of human overpopulation and its sprawling, destructive consequences. He makes the case that things could be improved for all species if we were all to convert at least some of our lawns … Read more

Four Eyes – book review

Four Eyes by Rex Ogle & Dave Valeza Autobiography Biography Graphic Novel Nonfiction * * * * Stars (Great!) Rex Ogle (the author) is going into middle school and is super excited about it until his first day, when he discovers that because of new school districts being created, most of the kids he knew from his old school are going somewhere else. His friend Drew is there, though, but he’s obsessed with becoming one … Read more

Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? – book review

Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? Big Questions from Tiny Mortals About Death by Caitlin Doughty Nonfiction * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Caitlin Doughty is a mortician and funeral director and in this book she responds to some of the questions she has received from young folks about death, corpses, funerals and more (including “Will my cat eat my eyeballs?”). Kids are curious about ALL aspects of death, so there’s a nice selection … Read more

Astronauts – book review

Astronauts: Women on the Final Frontier written by Jim Ottaviani illustrated by Maris Wicks Biography Graphic Novel History Nonfiction Tween (grades 5+), Teen, Adult * * * * Stars (Great!) This nonfiction graphic novel written from the point of view of astronaut Mary Cleave, tells the story of how women made their way into space (specifically looks at the history and achievements of Russian and American female astronauts)! It was initially a struggle to get … Read more

Possums Are NOT Cute! – book review

Possums Are NOT Cute! And Other Myths About Nature’s Most Misunderstood Critter by Ally Burguieres Nonfiction (for 5th grade – adult) * * * * Stars (Great!) Ally Burguieres got involved with wildlife rehabilitation (specifically helping opossums survive illness, injury, and loss) and never looked back! She discovered that many of the ideas people held about opossums were misconceptions – they were not ugly, dirty, or aggressive. In fact, they were adorable, clean, shy, and … Read more

History of Me – book review

A History of Me by Adrea Theodore Illustrated by Erin K. Robinson Biography Picture Book * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Powerful. Based on the author’s own experiences going to school and feeling singled out as the only brown person, feeling embarrassment when learning about slavery and civil rights along with her classmates – all white. Loving to learn, grateful for the opportunities that her grandmother and great grandmother did not have, but… Having … Read more