Iron Widow – Read It and Rate It

Iron Widow
Iron Widow #1
by Xiran Jay Zhao
Science Fiction

Review #1
* * * Stars (Pretty good)
18-year-old Zetian’s sister has just been killed during one of the fights against the plague of aliens that lurk outside the Great Wall. Her sister, like many others, was a concubine to a male mech pilot and her consciousness was sacrificed for the sake of the male pilot. Zetian vows to seek revenge for her sister and ends up killing the male pilot who sacrificed her sister, and in turn, becoming an Iron Widow. She ends up being paired with Li Shimin, the most famed and hated pilot in all of Huaxia, but she is determined to tear down the horrible system and find answers.

I think the story building and plotline are a bit muddled as the author doesn’t explain the politics of the world even though they are really important to the plot. There ends up being a plot twist, but it’s hastily done and there is no foreshadowing or explanation on to how or why this plot twists happens right at the end pf the book and it is very confusing at times. The author does provide excellent descriptions for the places they are in or what happens during things.

For middle and high school teens.

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