Strange Case of Origami Yoda – book review

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
by Tom Angleberger
Juvenile Fiction
Realistic Fiction
* * * Stars (Pretty good)

Dwight, 7th grader, is kind of a dork. He’s awkward and he’s always doing weird things that make it clear he’s lacking in the social skills department. He’s also an origami folding genius. His greatest creation so far is an origami Yoda, which gives advice when Dwight puts him on his finger. Other kids are drawn to Origami Yoda, who seems very wise (even though they are simultaneously repelled by Dwight). The Strange Case of Origami Yoda is a compilation of stories about Origami Yoda collected by Tommy, who desperately wants to know if Origami Yoda is for real – can his advice be trusted? Everyone seems to have their own theories about Origami Yoda and his advice, and no one knows for sure if Yoda is actually Dwight or if Dwight is channeling some mysterious Force. In any case, Yoda’s advice seems to be spot on in most cases, and Tommy is going to have to trust him if he wants to get the girl. This bizarre little book is short and amusing. It looks well-worn, as if the kids (especially Tommy) have gone through it over and over again in their quest to understand Origami Yoda. Each of the stories is decorated with various doodles and followed by a commentary from Tommy and Harvey. There are even instructions at the end to help readers create their own Origami Yoda (will it have the answers they seek?). This should tickle middle-grade readers’ fancy. Older readers will probably roll their eyes. Humor Realistic Fiction

Reviewed by YA Librarian

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