Board Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2023

Board of Trustees

of the

Huntley Area Public Library District

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

June 21, 2023


Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District was held in Program Room 3 at the Huntley Area Public Library District, 11000 Ruth Road, Huntley, IL 60142 on June 21, 2023. Vice-President Threadgill-Smith called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.


Trustees Present: Stephanie Duncan, Katie Kunde, Shannon McKibben and Leslie Threadgill-Smith

Trustees Absent: Chris Budzynski and Sandy Domagalski

Library Staff Present: Frank Novak, Library Director; Loralei Getty, Business Manager; Douglas Cataldo, Head of Marketing and Public Relations; Pamela Kampwerth, Head of Programming & Outreach Services

Visitors Present: Marjorie Smith, Sidhant Maloo and Anushka Chakraborty.

Pledge of Allegiance: Vice-President Threadgill-Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Secretary’s Report: McKibben motioned, Kunde seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 17, 2023 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

McKibben motioned, Kunde seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Executive Session held on May 17, 2023 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Financial Reports and Checks: McKibben motioned, Duncan seconded that the Board approve the checks and financial report for May 2023 as presented. Roll call votes were: Duncan-Aye; Kunde-Aye; McKibben-Aye; and Threadgill-Smith-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion): Trustees reviewed the Income/Expense Report-May 2023 and there were no questions.

Library Director’s Report: Presented by Novak. Vito Benigno resigned from the library board because he perceived a conflict between his service as a village board member and that as a library board member. Under the current Huntley Area Public Library District Bylaws, the library’s Treasurer is not automatically designated as the chair of the Finance Committee. Novak would like the board to consider amending the bylaws to reflect the library’s Treasurer is automatically designated as the chair of the Finance Committee. The library’s Patron Behavior Policy states, “Videotaping or the taking of pictures within the library building is prohibited unless the Library Director (or designee) has given prior written authorization.” Novak would like to rework the Patron Behavior Policy to allow the public to take photographs or video record general library activities, including library staff members working in the general public areas. Budzynski will make committee assignments at the July Regular Board Meeting.

Committee Reports:

Policy: There was no report.

Finance: The meeting scheduled for June 7, 2023 was cancelled due to scheduling issues.

Facilities: There was no report.

Friends’ Liaison: Presented by Kampwerth. The June book sale raised $1,400. MiniLinks@TheLibrary will be held in conjunction with the Movie in the Park on July 21, 2023. Golf is free but donations will be accepted. To date, the donations total $900.

New Business:

Non-Resident Card Fee Approval: Kunde motioned, McKibben seconded that the Board approve the Non-Resident Card Fee at $245 per year for a family living outside of the library district. Roll call votes were: Duncan-Aye; Kunde-Aye; McKibben-Aye; and Threadgill-Smith-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

FY 2023-2024 Working Budget: Tabled until the July Regular Meeting.

2023-2026 Strategic Plan Document: Novak reviewed the strategic plan. Under Year 2 of the strategic priority Evaluating Library Services for the Community, add language adding all-ages programming. McKibben motioned, Duncan seconded that the Board approve the Strategic Plan: July 1, 2023-June 30, 2026 as presented and based on the discussion. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Old Business: There was no Old Business.

Upcoming Dates: The next Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. The next Decennial Committee Meeting will be August 9, 2023.

Board Discussion:

Girl Scouts Kindness Rock Garden: The Huntley Girl Scout leader email Budzynski about her middle school scouts completing their Silver Award project. This project is being proposed as a Kindness Rock Garden at the library where residents could paint rocks and add to the kindness or take a rock that brightens their day. Following a discussion, a potential site for this project could be the gazebo.

Library Board Vacancy: Tabled until a Special Meeting can be scheduled.

Executive Session: There was no Executive Session.

Items from Executive Session for Action: None

Adjourn: Kunde motioned, McKibben seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Shannon McKibben, Secretary

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