Earth Unaware – book review

Earth Unaware The First Formic War bk#1 by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston Science Fiction * * * (Pretty good) Free miners are the first to encounter the Formics as the aliens head toward Earth with unknown intent. This follows the stories of a couple of the miner families and a corporate entity who must put aside their differences to warn the Earth of the aliens’ impending arrival. The encounters they have indicate that … Read more

Refraction – book review

Refraction by Naomi Hughes Science Fiction * * * Stars (Pretty good) Marty Callahan is a dealer in illegal mirrors who finds himself in hot water when enforcement agents get the drop on him. What’s so bad about mirrors, you might ask? Well, ever since an alien spaceship exploded over the Earth, enveloping most of it in an impenetrable fog filled with terrifying monsters, reflective surfaces have only served as portals for the monsters. So … Read more

Complicated Love Story Set in Space – book review

A Complicated Love Story Set in Space by Shaun David Hutchinson LGBTQ+ Mystery Romance Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * Stars (Pretty good) Noa wakes up in space – literally in a spacesuit floating outside a spaceship. He has no idea how he got there. At least he isn’t alone. DJ reaches out to him from the ship with some rather unfortunate news – the ship may explode if they don’t do something to … Read more

Any Sign of Life – book review

Any Sign of Life by Rae Carson Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) Teen basketball star Paige Miller wakes up attached to an IV and feeling like death itself. She discovers that she’s all alone and that everyone in her town is dead. Determined to survive, she goes in search of supplies and other people – eventually finding some companions. Together they follow a radio broadcast that promises additional community and … Read more

Kaiju Preservation Society – book review

The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi Science Fiction Suspense * * * * Stars (Great!) Jamie Gray finds himself out of work when the food delivery startup he works for downsizes him during the pandemic. Fortuitously, an acquaintance offers him a job with an animal rights organization he works for – conveniently leaving out the fact that the “animals” are in fact not of this world and that he’ll need to travel to another … Read more

Chosen Twelve – book review

The Chosen Twelve by James Breakwell Science Fiction * * * * Stars (Great!) 22 children are all that’s left of the human race. They’re being trained by robots (Edubot is their main instructor) and other AIs using simulations to colonize a planet that’s basically antithetical to human life. Previous colonists managed to create a species of intelligent, but extremely hostile kangaroos that kill anyone they encounter, and the world wasn’t exactly welcoming to begin … Read more

Innocence Treatment – book review

The Innocence Treatment by Ari Goelman Dystopian Mystery Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * Stars (Pretty good) Lauren Fielding has always been extremely trusting, generous, good natured, and friendly – so much so that her condition is viewed as a disability, because she can’t tell when people are trying to take advantage of her. She has to be supervised outside of her home and at school and has aides assigned to her to keep … Read more

Upgrade – book review

Upgrade by Blake Crouch Dystopian Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) After a near apocalyptic event, the world really cracks down on any sort of genetics research and technology. Logan Ramsay, whose mother (renowned scientist) was ultimately responsible for the Great Starvation, has become an agent committed to stomping out the illegal genetics black market. During a sting, he’s caught in a blast and infected with a gene-altering virus that essentially … Read more

Klara and the Sun – book review

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro Science Fiction * * * *  Stars (Great!) Klara is an AF (Artificial Friend) who spends her days observing humans from the window of her shop and dreaming of the day when she will be purchased and matched with a child. Josie, who eventually chooses her, is a sickly, uplifted child whose illness often prevents her from enjoying normal things. Part of Klara’s job as Josie’s friend is … Read more

Cleopatra in Space: Fallen Empires – Read It and Rate It

Fallen Empires Cleopatra in Space, book #5 by Mike Maihack Action Adventure Comedy/Funny Graphic Novel Science Fiction Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Cleo (Cleopatra) goes hiding after a mysterious death at Yasiro Academy, and she and her friends set out to uncover the spy who must be working within the school ranks. I liked this book because it is mysterious and interesting for me.