Frankenstein – Read It and Rate It

Frankenstein (or a Modern Prometheus) by Mary Shelley Classic Horror Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Frankenstein. The name echoes throughout all of literature, and has taken over the cinematic world as well, ever since an 18 year-old girl named Mary Shelley decided to write a book. She and her friends proposed a writing contest, but only two of them (Mary included) finished the challenge. Mary’s book was by far … Read more

Spy Camp – book review

Spy Camp Spy School, book #2 Graphic Novel Mystery Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) Ben Ripley started spy school in the first installment of this graphic novel series based on the books. Now he’s just been informed that ALL students are required to attend summer school, actually summer camp for prospective spies. Ben’s getting himself resigned to MORE school when he discovers that the evil spy organization, SPYDER is STILL after him … Read more

Scythe – Read It and Rate It

Scythe Arc of a Scythe, book #1 by Neal Shusterman Dystopian Science Fiction Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) “Scythe” follows the story of 2 protagonists: Citra Terranova and Rowan Damisch. The book starts within Scythe Curie’s gleaning journal where she explains the history of their civilization and how humans became immortal and created the Scythedom – an organization of Scythes. The Scythes are trained to “glean,” which is killing … Read more

One of Us Is Lying – book review

One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus Mystery Realistic Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * * Stars (Great!) Four high school students end up in detention together under false pretenses, and become suspects in a murder investigation when the only other teen in detention with them suddenly dies. Traces of peanut oil (he was highly allergic) are found on the cup he drank from and his epi pen is missing (as are emergency … Read more

One of Us Is Next – Read It and Rate It

One of Us Is Next One of Us Is Lying, book #2 by Karen McManus Mystery Realistic Fiction Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Afer all the drama at Bayview High involving Simon’s (now dead) gossip blog, it has sparked some new creativity into the incoming underclassmen. Now Maeve, Bronwyn’s younger sister, and all of her friends have to deal with the wannabe sites that are just like Simon’s. When … Read more

Winterborne Home for Vengeance and Valor – Read It and Rate It

Winterborne Home for Vengeance and Valor Winterborne Home, bk #1 by Ally Carter Adventure Mystery Supernatural Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * Stars (Great!) Through numerous foster homes, and most o fthem terrible, April is waiting for one thing: the return of her mother. She was dropped off on the front doorstep of the fire station with a note stating her name, and a promise from her mother (who said she was returning). … Read more

Good Girl’s Guide to Murder – Read It and Rate It

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder book #1 by Holly Jackson Mystery Suspense Thriller Review #1 * * * * * Stars (Amazing!) Pip is a student who is working on her capstone project. For her topic she chooses to investigate a murder case that happened in her home town. Her goal is to cast doubt on the original investigation, but as she continues, new evidence comes to light and soon Pip realizes that someone … Read more

Complicated Love Story Set in Space – book review

A Complicated Love Story Set in Space by Shaun David Hutchinson LGBTQ+ Mystery Romance Science Fiction Suspense Thriller * * * Stars (Pretty good) Noa wakes up in space – literally in a spacesuit floating outside a spaceship. He has no idea how he got there. At least he isn’t alone. DJ reaches out to him from the ship with some rather unfortunate news – the ship may explode if they don’t do something to … Read more

Counselors – book review

The Counselors by Jessica Goodman Mystery Suspense Thriller * * * Stars (Pretty good) Goldie, Ava, and Imogen have been best friends since they met at camp their first summer and now they are counselors. Over the past year, however, they’ve kept certain details about their lives hidden from one another and their secrets are getting in the way of their friendship. Goldie, for instance, is still dealing with the fallout from the car accident … Read more

Teen Killers Club – book review

Teen Killers Club Teen Killers Club #1 by Lily Sparks Mystery Suspense Thriller * * * Stars (Pretty good) Signal Deere supposedly killed her best friend, but she was framed! Looking at spending the rest of her life in prison, Signal opts instead to take a deal that will train her to be a teen assassin. Unaware of exactly what this entails, she finds herself at a training “camp” with other teen killers, decidedly lacking … Read more