Regular Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2023

Board of Trustees

of the

Huntley Area Public Library District

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

September 20, 2023


Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District was held in Program Room 3 at the Huntley Area Public Library District, 11000 Ruth Road, Huntley, IL 60142 on September 20, 2023. President Budzynski called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.


Trustees Present: Chris Budzynski, Sandy Domagalski, Stephanie Duncan, Shannon McKibben, Leslie Threadgill-Smith and Stephanie Weil

Trustees Absent: Katie Kunde

Library Staff Present: Pamela Kampwerth, Head of Programming & Outreach Services; Sergio Ramos, Head of Maintenance; Elizabeth Steffensen, Head of Public Services

Visitors Present: Marjorie Smith

Pledge of Allegiance: President Budzynski led the Pledge of Allegiance at the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance Hearing.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Secretary’s Report: McKibben motioned, Threadgill-Smith seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on August 18, 2023 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

McKibben motioned, Duncan seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Executive Session held on July 19, 2023 as presented. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Financial Reports and Checks: Threadgill-Smith motioned, McKibben seconded that the Board approve the checks and financial report for August 2023 as presented. Roll call votes were: Budzynski-Aye, Domagalski-Aye, Duncan-Aye, McKibben-Aye, Threadgill-Smith-Aye and Weil-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion): Trustees reviewed the Income/Expense Report-August 2023 and there were no questions.

Library Director’s Report: Presented by Kampwerth and Steffensen. On September 21st, Kampwerth and Ramos are meeting with Gilbane Building Company and Wold Architects and Engineers to discuss the front door and humidifier issues. Kevin Stringer, Head of IT, hired a freelance consultant to guide the library with the set-up of the Recording Studio. The consultant estimated 16 hours of time to configure, test and train library staff. Library bomb threats continue to increase. On July 24th, the Crystal Lake Public Library had a bomb threat. Recently, the Huntley Area Public Library District had staff training on bomb threats and has a plan in place. The library’s bomb threat section of our current plan has been reviewed with the Huntley Police Department. The library has also blocked Chat from outside of the US which is where bomb activity has been coming from. A common practice is to wait one to two years after installation before sealcoating a parking lot for the first time. Ramos will have the parking lot seal coated and striped before winter. To date, Ramos has received three quotes and requires prevailing wages. The library will not have a public closure during work and will communicate with the public when the drive-up window is closed. Ramos hired a full-time Maintenance Worker who will be starting on September 26th. Paul Inserra will present the working draft of the audit on Wednesday, October 18th.

Committee Reports:

Policy: There was no report.

Finance: There was no report.

Facilities: There was no report.

Friends’ Liaison: Presented by Kampwerth. Fall Fest will be held September 29-October 1. The Friends are approaching the One Million Dollar milestone.

New Business:

Approval of FY 2023-2024 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance. As required by law, a hearing notice was published in the newspaper and a copy of the tentative ordinance was made available for review at the front desk here at the library. Threadgill-Smith motioned, McKibben seconded that the Board approve the Ordinance Providing for Budget and Appropriations of the Huntley Area Public Library District, McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2023 and Ending June 30, 2024, in the amount of $11,685,310 as presented. Roll call votes were: Budzynski-Aye, Domagalski-Aye, Duncan-Aye, McKibben-Aye, Threadgill-Smith-Aye and Weil-Aye. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.

Old Business: There was no Old Business.

Upcoming Dates: The next Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.

Board Discussion:

The next meeting of the Decennial Committee will be on October 24, 2023. Trustees received a certified letter from the Village of Hampshire concerning a public hearing regarding entering into an annexation agreement.

Executive Session: There was no Executive Session

Items from Executive Session for Action: None

Adjourn: Domagalski motioned, Weil seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Shannon McKibben, Secretary

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