Regular Meeting Minutes – February 19, 2020

Board of Trustees 

of the 

Huntley Area Public Library District 

Minutes of the Regular Meeting 

February 19, 2020 


Call to Order:  A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Huntley Area Public Library District was held in the Program Room at the Huntley Area Public Library District, 11000 Ruth Road, Huntley, IL 60142 on February 19, 2020President Budzynski called the meeting to order at 1:27 p.m. 


Trustees Present:  Vito Benigno, Chris Budzynski, Sean Cratty, Shannon McKibben, David Novalinski, Marjorie Smith and Leslie Threadgill-Smith 

Trustees Absent:  None 

Library Staff Present:  Frank Novak, Library Director; Loralei Getty, Business Manager; Sergio Ramos, Head of Maintenance 

Visitors Present:  None 

Public Comments:  There were no public comments. 

Secretary’s Report:  Threadgill-Smith motioned, Novalinski seconded that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on January 15, 2020 as presented.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion carried. 

The Board postponed approving the minutes of the Board Retreat held on February 1, 2020 until a future date. 

Financial Reports and Checks:  Novalinski motioned, Benigno seconded that the Board approve the checks and financial report for January 2020 as presentedRoll call votes were:  Benigno-Aye; Budzynski-Aye, Cratty-Aye; McKibben-Aye, Novalinski-Aye, Smith-Aye and Threadgill-Smith-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion carried.  Check #27787 payable to Boulder Ridge Country Club for $1,026 was for the staff dinner.  

Semi-Annual Treasurer’s Report:  Benigno motioned, McKibben seconded that the Board approve the Semi-Annual Treasurer’s Report: July-December 2019 as presented.  Roll call votes were:  Benigno-Aye; Budzynski-Aye; Cratty-Aye, McKibben-Aye, Novalinski-Aye, Smith-Aye and Threadgill-Smith-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion carried. 

Monthly Income/Expense Report (Discussion): Novak commented that 7700-00 Capital Expenses is at 2,672% of the budget due to the building program.  Trustees reviewed the Income/Expense Report-January 2020 and there were no questions. 

Library Director’s Report:  Presented by Novak.  There is a site plan for the construction fencing on the library’s property in the Library Director’s Report-February 2020.  The safety wall construction in the Program Room and the Annex corridor will begin on Friday, February 21st.  Novak is still recommending that the library board reject the project alternate for radiant ceiling panels in the new library.  Gilbane Building Construction has suggested value engineering proposals, based on their construction review, that could potentially save the library money.  Novak can share the value engineering log with the board. 

Committee Reports: 

Policy:  A meeting has been scheduled for March 18, 2020 at 5 p.m. 

Finance:  The committee should consider scheduling a meeting to discuss the FY2020-2021 draft working budget. 

Facilities:  There was no report. 

Friends’ Liaison:  Presented by SmithThe Baubles & Bling Fundraiser on February 1 raised $904.  The Friends General Meeting for Friday, February 21 has been cancelled due to construction work in the Program Room.  Culver’s Fundraiser Night is scheduled for March 31.  The Human Race will be in April at McHenry County College.  Several entities in Huntley have offered space to store the Friends books for future book sales. 

New Business:  

Discussion and Approval of Revised Ethics Policy:  Threadgill-Smith motioned, Novalinski seconded that the Board approve the Ethics Policy with the change that employees are ineligible for any prize valued at more than $100 for any library-sponsored contestAll Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion carried. 

Discussion and Approval of Building Project Alternate #004-Radiant Ceiling Panels:  Sergio Ramos, Head of Maintenance, had a meeting with the maintenance staff at the Cary Area Public Library District about their radiant panels.  They said that in the three years that they have had the panels, they have noticed no particular benefit from having them.  Gilbane Building Construction has said the library can consider radiant heat options for very specific areas of the library like in the bay window area on the west end of the original building.  No return on investment information has been provided.  Novalinski motioned, Threadgill-Smith seconded that the Board reject Building Project Alternate #004-Radiant Ceiling Panels.  Roll call votes were:  Benigno-Aye; Budzynski-Aye, Cratty-Aye; McKibben-Aye, Novalinski-Aye, Smith-Aye and Threadgill-Smith-Aye.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion carried.   

Cratty left the meeting at 1:52 p.m. 

 Old Business:  There was no Old Business. 

 Upcoming Dates:  The next Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at the Huntley Area Public Library District at 5:30 p.m. 

 Board Discussion:  If the Program Room is not usable after the safety wall construction, Novak will look for a consistent alternative meeting space for future board meetings.  Novak distributed a gift from Gilbane Building Construction to commemorate the ground breaking.  Benigno shared an article from the Chicago Tribune entitled Libraries Most Popular Cultural Attraction – and for Good Reason” dated February 10, 2020 by John Warner. 

 Executive SessionThere was no Executive Session. 

 Items from Executive Session for Action:  None. 

 Adjourn:  Threadgill-Smith motioned, McKibben seconded to adjourn the meeting at 1:58 p.m.  All Ayes.  No Nays.  Motion carried. 


Respectfully Submitted, 

Shannon V. McKibben, Secretary 

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